Robert III, Count of Dreux

Robert III of Dreux (1185–1234), Count of Dreux and Braine, was the son of Robert II, Count of Dreux, and Yolanda de Coucy.[1] He was given the byname Gasteblé (lit. wheat-spoiler) when he destroyed a field of wheat while hunting in his youth.

Along with his brother Peter, Duke of Brittany he fought with future Louis VIII of France in 1212 at Nantes and was captured there during a sortie.[2] Exchanged after the Battle of Bouvines for William Longsword, Earl of Salisbury, he fought in the Albigensian Crusade, besieging Avignon in 1226. He was a supporter of Blanche of Castile during her regency after the death of Louis VIII in 1226.

In 1210 he married Aénor of Saint-Valéry (1192–1250)[3] and they had several children:


  1. ^ Evergates, Theodore, The aristocracy in the county of Champagne, 1100-1300, (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007), 229.
  2. ^ Painter, Sidney, William Marshal, Knight-Errant, Baron, and Regent of England, (University of Toronto Press, 1982), 254.
  3. ^ Nicolas, Sir Harris, and William Courthope, The historic peerage of England, (John Murray, 1857), 416.


Preceded by
Robert II
Count of Dreux
Succeeded by
John I


16. Philip I of France
8. Louis VI of France
17. Bertha of Holland
4. Robert I of Dreux
18. Humbert II, Count of Savoy
9. Adelaide of Maurienne
19. Gisela of Burgundy
2. Robert II of Dreux
20. Andre de Baudément
10. Guy de Baudement
21. Agnes
5. Agnes de Baudemont, Countess of Braine
11. Alix, Dame de Braine
1. Robert III of Dreux
24. Thomas de Coucy, Count of Amiens
12. Enguerrand II, Seigneur de Coucy
25. Mélisende de Crècy
6. Raoul I, Seigneur de Coucy
26. Raoul I, Seigneur de Baugency
13. Agnes de Baugency
27. Matilda of Vermandois
3. Yolanda de Coucy
28. Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut
14. Baldwin IV, Count of Hainaut
29. Yolande de Wassenberg
7. Agnes of Hainaut
30. Godfrey I, Margrave of Namur
15. Alice of Namur
31. Ermesinda of Luxembourg